Prayer Requests/Praise Reports
May God watch over him and his family.
Henry Boonest -
Any of you that have college or early 20-something children know that you sometimes wake up to a text or message that grabs your attention and troubles your heart. My mother-in-law has had a series of strokes and seizures over the last year. My daughter Lucy had plans to see her grandmother today and at 0230 hr this morning texted me was expressing her grief about the decline of her grandmother. I’m asking that you pray with me as I give thanks for the life of Betty MacKenzie my mother-in-law and Grandmother to my children. Prayers of comfort for Betty, Mary my ex-wife and her sisters and all my nephews.
Prayers for acceptance by my children of the Gospel
For it is thru death that we have eternal life...
Romans 14:8 “If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.” - written to believers
Geoff 7 years
I want to thank God for a phone call that I received from my middle sister, LD, a few days ago. We had not spoken in several years due to some perceived wrong that I had committed. I sent her a birthday card in late September and then she called me to wish me a happy birthday. It seems to be the first step in reconciliation and I hope that our family can begin to heal.